Solid Advice On How To Deliver A Smooth Pregnancy

If this is your first pregnancy, there are many things to get done prior to the arrival of the baby. Getting your house prepared, can be a choir and fun at the same time. Seek help from friends and family and follow the advice below to make the transition from pregnancy to having a baby in the home flow smoothly.

Lower your intake of vitamin A when pregnant. Embryo damage can result from too much Vitamin A. Don't eat foods that have it in them, like mozzarella, egg yolks, mangoes or liver. You can consume a small amount of vitamin A-rich foods, but only in moderation and never daily.

Keep a journal while you are pregnant. This will be something fun to look over when your child is grown, and it is also a great way to keep track of what is going on. If you are writing everything down, you will be able to notice quickly when any big changes occur.

You will want to have the physical memories of the day you give birth for the rest of your life. Make sure your video camera is charged and ready, along with your digital camera. Remember to have enough media storage to capture as many photos as you could ever need.

The later months of pregnancy are known for leg cramping. Make sure you stretch before going to bed, and this will lesson the chance of these occurring. Drinking water and eating bananas can also help keep them away.

Listen to soft music and take a hot shower before bed time. Sleep can become more difficult the further along that you get. Avoid sleep aids and other pills by putting your body and your mind into a restful state before you even get into bed. A hot shower and soothing music will do this for you.

Keep exercising, even after your pregnancy is over and you have your baby. Pay attention to how you feel and take it slow, but keep active as much as you can. Staying fit after birth, will help you to recover faster from the effects of the pregnancy and labor.

During pregnancy, watch the use of any over the counter medications. Some over the counter medications which are perfectly safe when you are not pregnant can pose a danger to your growing fetus. Even some that are considered safe might not have been tested extensively in pregnant women. It is always best to try natural remedies first, and discuss any medications with your physician.

To help you ease your lower back pain gynecologist near me while pregnant try doing pelvic tilts. This involves getting on your hands and knees and making a cat, raised back position, and a cow, lowered back position. Often, these exercises relieve tension and discomfort. They can also move the baby into the best position for birth.

While you are pregnant, heat your lunch meat in the microwave for about ten to fifteen seconds before eating it. Raw lunch meat can contain bacteria. This bacteria is harmless to you, but can hurt your fetus. Heating the lunch meat can kill the bacteria and thus, render the lunch meat harmless.

People, in general, want what is best for you and your baby! In an effort to help you, some well-meaning people may offer you unwelcome advice regarding your pregnancy. You may feel like they are "policing" your moves. Do not be afraid to gently inform them of your obstetrician or midwife's advice regarding any long-standing "no-no's" during pregnancy. Remember, they only want what is best for you and your baby, and may not be up-to-date with the latest suggestions!

One pregnancy tip that bears repeating is: stop smoking and drinking alcohol during pregnancy! Smoking and drinking can cause devastating complications in a baby that can last a lifetime. Babies can inherit an addiction to drugs as well as having problems such as low birth weight and developmental problems. Love your baby and stop!

Exercise while you are pregnant to maintain your health. There is no need to stop exercising while you are pregnant, although you should probably avoid exercises that are overly strenuous. Walking and swimming are especially helpful and should not cause discomfort during pregnancy. Exercise helps you stay in shape and helps you control your weight gain while pregnant.

If you have had a miscarriage previously, it is too easy to be drawn into the fear of another miscarriage with a new pregnancy. Try to ease your mind and find some kind of mantras that will help you through the tough times. If all else fails, buy several pregnancy tests for that first trimester to help remind you that you are pregnant.

It is important that you take a prenatal vitamin. Know that your baby will get everything that he or she may need from you, however, you will need to make sure that your body gets all the necessary nourishment. Talk to your doctor to find out which prenatal vitamin is the best for you since some can also come with stool softeners.

As you can see, there are many things that you need to get ready before baby comes. Being prepared will give you peace of mind and be able to get your head in the right place without worrying if you have everything ready! Making sure your house is ready for baby should be crossed off your list before baby's arrival.

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